
Hello Casita!


Goodbye Motels!








Fetching Our Casita


Monday, May 23, 2011 We arrived at the Casita manufacturing plant half an hour before the doors opened. There were two other couples already there waiting for their little trailers. Another couple arrived soon after us so there were four all together. We chatted happily until the someone unlocked the doors from inside.


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One of the sales people explained that Casita would only take three couples at once so Vince and I chose to go do our laundry while we waited for the next opening at 10:30.


After depositing me and our laundry at the "mat" Vince went off to find some coffee for us. I had forgotten to bring our detergent so tried to buy some from the machine. I put in the coins and pulled the handle, but the little box of soap failed to appear in the bin below. I wiggled the handle and pushed the button for coin return, but nothing happened.


A gentleman came up to me. "Can I help you, Senora?"

"No soap!" I said.

He stood tall, took a deep breath, and banged on the machine. Nothing happened. He shrugged and walked away.


Just then, a small girl who had been whirling around the room ran over, reached her tiny hand into the soap machine, and pulled out my little box of soap. She gave me a big smile and danced to her mother. I thanked them both and happily returned to my laundry.


Finally, it was time to fetch our Casita. Our salesman, Jonathon, welcomed us and explained each detail. It smelled new, it looked new, it WAS new, and it was ours.


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