G and V

Here we are at our Renewal of Vows ceremony. We'll post more pictures soon.



This is a Casita travel trailer.

Our second one, actually.

Follow our travels.


2011 - Forty Years~


This May, Vince is retiring from his position as Professor and Associate Chair of the Electrical, Energy, and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Colorado in Boulder. His Department threw a lovely retirement party for him and he has quite a few plans for the future.


We enjoyed another form of celebration by renewing our wedding vows after forty years of marriage. Our beautiful grown children stood up with us at the altar and we had an amazing reception and party with our family and nearly one hundred fifty friends.


We are properly launched on The Great American Retirement Adventure, and we will use this site to share.


Going to CasitaLand

We've ordered a Casita, a little travel trailer that has just about everything in it. Our first trip will be to Rice, Texas to pick up our new Casita at the manufacturer.


Soon after, we will set out to travel around the U.S., experiencing as much of our country as possible.


You can follow our adventures here, or on Twitter, or Facebook. Your comments and ideas are always welcome.


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